[TxMt] textile: convert to html -- and back!

Niko Dittmann ni-di at web.de
Mon Jul 31 13:52:47 UTC 2006


i made a command which converts textile-code to html (duh!).  and  
back (yeah!).  well not really.  what it does is embedding the  
textile-content within a html-comment and on revert it ditches all  
the html and just returns the comment.

i made this command because i think textile is a really fast way of  
producing formated content (i know you're there, markdown-fans!).   
but the problem is, the files don't stay editable.  with textile,  
that is.  so now i can save an html-file with embedded textile and it  
is ready for presentation and i can come back at any time and edit  
the same file without having to keep a copy of the textile-file.

i'm a bad coder.  i didn't manage to use the entire document rather  
than the saved file as input.  perhaps s/o else can help.

here's the code:

if [[ `head -1 $TM_FILENAME` == '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"? 
 >' ]]
		TEXTILEBEGINSAT=`grep "begin textile code" -n $TM_FILEPATH |\
			 awk -F ":" '{print $1}' `
		DOCUMENTHASLINES=`wc -l $TM_FILEPATH | awk '{print $1}'`
		cat $TM_FILEPATH |\
			tail -$LINES |\
			grep -v "end textile code-->" | grep -v "</body></html>"
		if [[ -z $TM_FILENAME ]]
		  then title="Textile Preview"
		  else title="${TM_FILENAME%.*}"
		. "$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/lib/html.sh"
		htmlHeader "$title" '<style type="text/css">
			body {
				background-color: #eee;
			.contents {	
				background: white;
				font-family: Verdena, sans-serif;
				font-size: 13px;
				border: 1px #888 solid;
				padding: 0 1em;
		beginTag div 'contents'
		cat $TM_FILEPATH | "$TM_SUPPORT_PATH/bin/Textile.rb"

		echo "<!-- begin textile code:"
		echo "end textile code-->"

		htmlFooter; }

the command uses "input: none" and "output: replace document" and  
"scope selector: text.html.textile".

it would also be nice, if the command could change the scope to html  
and back to textile.  is this possible?

regards, niko.

niko dittmann <ni-di at web.de>

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