[TxMt] windows not reacting to cmd+W

Charilaos Skiadas cskiadas at uchicago.edu
Sat Jul 15 18:55:18 UTC 2006

Using the latest here, and I can't confirm this. If I have, say, the  
latex bundle open as a project, and I open the bundle editor, cmd-w  
closes it. Same with preferences, as well as new documents. Using 1161.

On Jul 15, 2006, at 1:45 PM, Domenico Carbotta wrote:

> when a project is open, stand-alone editing windows and other  
> windows (preferences, bundle editor, html view, you name it) don't  
> react to the cmd+W keystroke (as would be appropriate), but only to  
> cmd+shift+W. the "Close" shortcut in the File menu is still  
> associated to cmd+shift+W, while cmd+W is bound to "Close tab".  
> closing all open projects causes the "Close" shortcut to become  
> again cmd+W.
> stupid but annoying.
> this bug was probably introduced in the latest revision, or at  
> least I didn't notice it earlier.
> bye,
> domenico


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