[TxMt] Simple Q: Shortcut Key for "Don't Save"

Soryu Soryu at serenity.de
Tue Jul 4 22:09:50 UTC 2006

> The behavior I'd love to see is for D or Cmd+D to mean
> "Don't Save Changes".
> Is there any way to accomplish this?

Try and see if you have the “Darcs” bundle installed; disable it  
if you don't need it (or probably don't even know what the heck darcs  
is ;) or change it's invocation shortcut to something other than ⌘D.  
If you don't have Darcs, then some other bundle item might have  
snatched the ⌘D shortcut. See [here][1] and [here][2] for an  


[1]: http://macromates.com/ticket/show?ticket_id=2EF951A6
[2]: http://macromates.com/ticket/show?ticket_id=67031851

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