[TxMt] RE: Sweave & Find Texniscope source

Charilaos Skiadas cskiadas at uchicago.edu
Tue Jul 4 13:55:58 UTC 2006

On Jul 4, 2006, at 1:44 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On 4/7/2006, at 8:22, xolela at mac.com wrote:
>> [...] Is it possible for the TeXniscope sync to go to the  Sweave  
>> (snw) source  file rather than the tex equivalent  in this case?
> One idea which springs to mind is to let TeXniscope call a script  
> rather than call mate directly. This script would map the filename  
> to the actual source and possibly also ensure that the line number  
> is adjusted if there is a discrepancy.

TeXniscope uses pdfsync to find out where to take you, and i am  
guessing pdfsync links back to the tex file, not the sweave file. So  
one would need some script that, seeing the tex file, knows that it  
has come from a sweave file and knows how to find a location in the  
sweave file given a location in the tex file. I know nothing about  
sweave, but given such a sweave<->tex sync script the rest can be done.


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