[TxMt] drag and drop selection out of TextMate

Alan Schussman alan at schussman.com
Tue Jan 31 22:17:48 UTC 2006

On Jan 31, 2006, at 3:16 PM, Michael Larocque wrote:

> Hi all,
> Is there a way to select some text in TextMate with the mouse, then  
> drag it to another application? What I'm trying to do is grab some  
> text out of TextMate and create a note in Yojimbo by dragging it to  
> a folder in Yojimbo's Drop Dock. I'm trying not to copy/switch app/ 
> create note/paste.
> Is there any way of doing this? I hope I'm not missing something  
> obvious.

Dragging text from TextMate to Yojimbo (either the dock icon or the  
"drop dock") works fine for me. Are you sure you're getting the text  
dragged? I have a tendency to click and drag too quickly sometimes,  
which just re-selects rather than dragging.


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