[TxMt] Vi key bindings

David Wooten dw at trichotomic.net
Mon Jan 9 16:42:13 UTC 2006


What I've adopted is a kind of quasi-vi key bindings for the cursor  
movement. That is to say, changing the caps lock key to control and  
using cursor keys (and others!) with the control key. This is a big  
change from the philosophy of vi (is this more or less what emacs  
does? I've never used it), being only one mode, but I've grown very  
comfortable with it.


On Jan 8, 2006, at 9:02 PM, Tim Wolters wrote:

> All,
> Is there a way to use vi cursor key bindings in Textmate?
> Sorry for the newbie question.  I've just converted over to the Mac,
> Textmate, etc.
> Thanks,
> -- Tim 

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