[TxMt] Wordpress Theme Bundle

Brett Terpstra brett at circlesixdesign.com
Sat Dec 30 23:16:19 UTC 2006

The first release of the Wordpress bundle I'm working on is available  
on my blog[1] and on Ale's SVN server[2].

The bundle is designed to aid in creating templates for Wordpress.

It includes snippets for inserting skeletal structures for common  
template pieces (header, footer, sidebar, loop, headline, etc.) as  
well as some very detailed plist based commands that serve as  
references for everything from bloginfo commands to database tables  
for queries.  Most of the commands are snippetized with sample data  
(ala the Codex) inserted rather than the fairly nondescript  
definitions that the documentation uses.

If I can get a helping hand, I’ll add a few basic templates and a  
help file, but I’m concentrating on the coding end of things for now.  
I know there wasn’t much response on the list, but I’ve been getting  
a lot of requests for this from the masses of new TextMate users via  
MacHeist and related buzz that’s picking up around the Internets.

[2]svn co http://svn.sofanaranja.com/projects/brettbundles/trunk/ 
Bundles/Wordpress\ Theme.tmbundle Wordpress\ Theme.tmbundle

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