[TxMt] Summary/Plug for LaTeX in TextMate

Charilaos Skiadas skiadas at hanover.edu
Sun Dec 10 15:35:04 UTC 2006

Hi Alain
On Dec 10, 2006, at 6:08 AM, Alain Matthes wrote:

> which it's the best way to use TextMate if you want to compile with  
> « latex »
> (tex---> dvi---> ps ----> pdf).

>  For me it's not a problem because i prefer  pdflatex b
> ut a lot of users work with this method and it's difficult to
>  find something in the doc on this problem
I really don't understand why people prefer that method, but anyway.  
The simplest way I think is to trick TM into thinking you have  
pstricks in your text, by adding the line:
% \usepackage{pstricks}
This is admittedly a bit of a hack, relying on the fact that the  
current command doesn't check whether the line is commented or not. I  
suppose we could really add another variable or some other way to set  
things, but if the result is to be pdf, then what is the advantage of  
adding two intermediate steps? Unless it is required for some of the  
packages included, in which case we should add some checks and do the  
switch for the user.

Also, one should be able to use their TeXShop engine files with  
relative ease. I think it won't work out of the box, but we can  
probably figure out how to make them work out of the box, if someone  
has more experience with these engine files and their syntax.

Finally, you can set two variables: TEX_PSTRICKS and  
TM_LATEX_COMPILER to 1 and latex respectively. Then it should always  
follow this route.

And of course, you can always create your very own shell script to  
use instead.

> Greetings
> Alain


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