[TxMt] Re: C Library bundle MONSTER

William D. Neumann wneumann at cs.unm.edu
Thu Dec 7 01:15:29 UTC 2006

On Wed, 6 Dec 2006, Jacob Rus wrote:

> Three reasons:
> 1. It serves very little useful need.

The need it serves seems more to be providing useful documentation 
regarding the types and purpose of the parameters than to save on typing. 
Which, according to section 7.1 of the textmate help is a valid reason for 
using a snippet.

> 2. The things which are in the subversion repository represent the consensus 
> of the TextMate community.

Really?  Since when?  I don't remember getting any ballots to help judge 
the consensus.  And as far as I can tell, yours is the only complaint so 
far against the C Library bundle.  Do your wishes now equal community 

> 3. It is not impossibly difficult to make a completion command which is 
> vastly more useful, can be pushed into the existing C bundle (meaning I don't 
> need to go to my list and filter something else out), works the way users 
> coming from other editors would expect it to, is more flexible (i.e. can be 
> adapted for unanticipated libraries), and is just in every respect better.

"It doesn't work as well as it could" <> "compelling reason to delete".  I 
think most folk here would agree that the current syntax definition system 
isn't working as well as it could.  Should we just go ahead and scrap all 
bundles that contain a syntax definition?

> 4. I'll toss in a fourth reason: it's inelegant.  Its very existence bothers 
> the soul of this TextMate user.

Which is about as compelling a reason for deletion as "I don't personally 
use language X,"  if that's the case, I can give you a huge list of 
bundles that I'd appreciate if you could delete as well.

> I don't care about any of these reasons.

So?  Pretty much the only discussions I see before new bundles appear are 
along the lines of:

A: Hey, is there a bundle for X?
B: Nope.  Why don't you whip one up and add it to the repository?

> Mainly, it should have never been added.  There was no discussion before it 
> went in, and I would imagine that within 3-4 days, a better solution will 
> exist, as there are plenty of enterprising users on this list who could make 
> such a thing happen.

So why not leave it in until those better solutions appear?

William D. Neumann


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