[TxMt] Things that keep me from switching to TextMate

James Edward Gray II james at grayproductions.net
Sun Aug 6 15:45:38 UTC 2006

On Aug 6, 2006, at 9:33 AM, Stefan Haller wrote:

> - Option-RightArrow stops too often
>   When stepping word by word through a sequence such as "abc / def",
>   Option-RightArrow stops after 'abc' (which is fine), and then it  
> stops
>   *before* 'def', which is not; it should directly jump to after  
> 'def'.
>   In other words, it should jump from one end of a word to the end of
>   the next word, skipping all non-words.  Xcode and CodeWarrior do  
> this
>   right (in my opinion); in BBEdit it's even worse than in TM though.

My opinion is that TextMate is the only one that gets this right.

James Edward Gray II

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