[TxMt] creating themes

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Wed Sep 14 20:02:33 UTC 2005

On 14/09/2005, at 21.14, Caio Chassot wrote:

> I was more specifically wondering about each theme author  
> methodology and preferences, how  they put the tools available to use.

A few tips about color (pickers):

     • the developer tools has Pixie (under Graphics Tools), it's a  
lens, and you can lock the view (cmd-L) and drag colors out from a  
locked view (onto a color picker or color wedge)

     • when you have a color picker open, you can drag any of the  
color wedges onto it, to copy the color from the dragged wedge

     • the color pickers have a user palette in the bottom to where  
you can drag colors, so e.g. for my Amiga theme, I started by  
dragging the colors I needed (from Pixie) to that row, and could then  
just select for the misc. items

     • when dragging a color from another application (e.g. Pixie)  
and TM is not active (thus the color picker is hidden) you can cmd- 
tab to activate TM, while holding down the mouse (to hold on to the  
color you are dragging)

     • the user palette in the bottom of the color picker is global,  
so you don't have to set up the colors you want to use in TM

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