[TxMt] Tab key when multiline selected

Frédérik Bilhaut fbilhaut at info.unicaen.fr
Thu Oct 27 15:25:43 UTC 2005

Dear TextMate developper(s),

I'm considering TextMate again, and while doing some more tests I  
realised that the "tab" key has a somewhat unusual behaviour  
(compared to other advanced editors) when several lines are  
selected : most editors would shift the whole block, while TextMate  
just replaces the block with a tab... On top of that, the keyboard  
shortcut seems odd to me (at least for a french keayboard), while  
shifting blocks is a very usual task when I work on code or XML  
Documents. And also, shifting left is often done using shift+tab. Is  
it possible to see those "standards" shortcuts working in TextMate ?

Also, I noticed that it now has folding abilities. But is it possible  
to disable it (I don't use it) ?

Best regards,
Frédérik Bilhaut
GREYC - Université de Caen
Campus II - Sciences 3 - Bureau 385

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