[TxMt] Littering of temporary files all over the place..

Rick Flower rickf at ca-flower.com
Sun Oct 23 23:11:14 UTC 2005

Allan Odgaard wrote:
> Are you speaking of the ._«filename» meta data files (on non HFS+ 
> filesystems) as mentioned e.g. here: 
> http://lists.macromates.com/pipermail/textmate/2005-October/006212.html ?
Correct.. I guess I forgot to mention their names.. Sorry.. I was 
referring to the ._filename files.. My development
machine is via an SMB mount to a Linux box so I guess that doesn't 
qualify for being HFS+..
> You can disable meta data by running:
>    defaults write OakDocumentDisableFSMetaData 1
I tried and got the following :

 > defaults write OakDocumentDisableFSMetaData 1
2005-10-23 16:09:32.595 defaults[263]
Rep argument is not a dictionary
Defaults have not been changed.
> Of course then it no longer remember caret position, folding states, 
> and bookmarks…
Not a problem as I'm not current using any of those features..

-- Rick

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