[TxMt] Lua Bundle

Michael Sheets mummer at whitefalls.org
Wed Oct 12 04:52:24 UTC 2005

The folding start/end is greedy, it will allow folding to begin  
inside a comment. Should use ^ in the start/end perhaps. Example:

-- bisection method for solving non-linear equations

delta=1e-6    -- tolerance

function bisect(f,a,b,fa,fb)
local c=(a+b)/2
io.write(n," c=",c," a=",a," b=",b,"\n")
if c==a or c==b or math.abs(a-b)<delta then return c,b-a end
local fc=f(c)
if fa*fc<0 then return bisect(f,a,c,fa,fc) else return bisect 
(f,c,b,fc,fb) end

(The for in the comment being the issue)

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