[TxMt] What's wrong with the Draw?

Kevin Ballard kevin at sb.org
Sat Nov 26 10:34:17 UTC 2005

Umm, do you perchance mean "drawer"?

On Nov 23, 2005, at 3:25 PM, Ryan Allen wrote:

> I think the draw is okay. Saying that Edmundo's mock looks nice but  
> it's just fussing if you ask me (which you didn't :D).
> I didn't make the switch to SubEthaEdit from BBEdit because it  
> didn't have a project draw. BBEdit v8 had a project draw that cost  
> me more to upgrade than Textmate cost me to buy outright.
> Go Textmate and it's Draw! Infact BBEdit from memory didn't have  
> heriachical listings either. But that part of my memory is a bit  
> vauge. The pain! The pain (of developing in 3 colour syntax  
> highlighting).

Kevin Ballard
kevin at sb.org

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