[TxMt] tmTheme: Slate

Andreas Wahlin andreaswahlin at bredband.net
Thu Nov 10 11:03:38 UTC 2005

This must be the only editor I've ever used that can switch themes at  
random on startup ... could this be auto executed in some way?
Don't really know if I want, but it's a fun thing :)
Could one expand the list in some way and just increment that final  
digit there?


On Nov 10, 2005, at 6:22 , Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On 09/11/2005, at 23.30, Charilaos Skiadas wrote:
>>> Damn, it's a tie between slate and twilight. How to solve this?
>> Flip a coin:
>> 1) Open new document.
>> 2) Type: echo "`date "+%S"`%2" | bc
>> 3) Text->Execute Line inserting result
>> 0 is slate, 1 is twilight.
> Here's a refinement, select these two lines and ctrl-R to make TM  
> switch to the theme as well :)
> themes=($HOME/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Themes/ 
> Slate.tmTheme /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/ 
> Themes/Twilight.tmTheme)
> open "${themes[$(bc <<<$(date "+%S %%2"))]}"
> (if you have Twilight in /Library or ~/Library, you'll need to  
> change the path)
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