[TxMt] feature request: show whitespace and indentation guides

Dudley Flanders dudley at misnomer.us
Mon Nov 7 17:07:11 UTC 2005

On Nov 7, 2005, at 10:44 AM, Xavier Noria wrote:
>> I'm not a big fan of indentation guides, but I'd like to have a  
>> page boundary guide, e.g. a vertical line at 80 columns (or 132,  
>> or 17, or whatever).
> Is not what's available under View -> Wrap Column? If soft wrap is  
> disabled it acts as a guide AFAICT.

Why, it certainly is. I love this program :-) I didn't even look at  
that because I didn't want it to wrap, just to show me where it  
would. Disabling soft wrap in my mind would mean hard wrap, not  
disabling wrapping altogether.

> -- fxn
> PS: By the way, I love the way you set the width.

No kidding. It's all about the details, and little things like that  
make a big difference. It could just be a text box where you type in  
the width, but instead it's pretty. And that means more to me then I  
would like to admit.


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