Buying complaints (was: Re: [TxMt] mousing issues)

Dudley Flanders dudley at
Wed Nov 2 13:54:33 UTC 2005

On Nov 1, 2005, at 7:43 PM, Moshe Weitzman wrote:

> Hey Shawn. We all heard your requests. There is no need to repeat  
> them.
> Furthermore, it is just rude to publically suggest to Allan better  
> ways to
> develop his product. If you haven't noticed, he does it for fun,  
> and he does
> it in his own way. If you don't like it, you can always grab that  
> refund.

Although I agree with you for the most part, the fact that we have  
paid a fair
amount for this product does mean that we can publicly make  
suggestions. In fact,
that's one of the reasons I actually paid for TextMate. I knew that  
although Allan
didn't make the source available, he made himself available and  
actively participated
in the mailing lists, and thus I could complain if something was  
broken. I thought
of the license not as a license to use the software, since I could  
probably find a
way to use it unlicensed, but as a license to complain about it.
If this were free software, then yes, complaining would be out of  
place. But it's
not, and although Shawn's tone does come across as pretty abrasive,  
he still has
every right to complain. Assuming, of course, that he's paid his  
complaint tax.

That being said, I haven't felt the need to complain about anything.


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