[TxMt] Hmmm... a bunch of things are not working for me anymore

Mats Persson mats at imediatec.co.uk
Thu May 19 20:31:56 UTC 2005

On 19 May 2005, at 20:58, John Kopanas wrote:
> How do I add .rhtml to it?

Don't worry, I've already done that for you. Just update the XHTML  
bundle to the latest rev and it should recognise the .rhtml file.

Since we have both HTML (Basic) and XHTML syntaxes, you might need to  
change stuff in your Ruby syntax from .html to .xhtml . Also when you  
open a .rhtml file it will default into HTML (basic), but you can  
easily swap syntaxes by using Cmd + F1 for the XHTML syntax.

Please note, the XHTML syntax is work in progress, so your milage may  
wary :)

Kind regards,


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