changing filetype/language association was: Re: [TxMt] best practice for changing markdown back as default for .txt?

Tom Lazar tom at
Sat May 7 14:42:29 UTC 2005

On May 7, 2005, at 3:17 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> To associate .txt with Markdown, from do (while TM is  
> not running):
>    defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakLanguageFileBindings  
> '({name = "Markdown"; fileTypes = (txt); language = "0A1D9874- 
> B448-11D9-BD50-000D93B6E43C";})'

while that worked as advertised I also tried to associate files  
ending in '.css.dtml' as CSS (it's a Zope thang, dynamically  
generated CSS files, cool stuff...) and entered

defaults write com.macromates.textmate OakLanguageFileBindings  
'({name = "CSS"; fileTypes = (css.dtml); language =  

any idea why that didn't work? (I did quit and then restart TextMate)

thanks again,


Tom Lazar

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