[TxMt] 'Save as absolute path' doesn't

Erich Ocean subscriber at ampede.com
Sun May 1 16:47:07 UTC 2005

On Apr 30, 2005, at 1:42 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On Apr 30, 2005, at 18:28, Erich Ocean wrote:
>> When I open the Get Info window on a file, and deselect the "Save as 
>> absolute path" checkbox, then close the Get Info window and re-open 
>> it, the checkbox is checked again. Is this a known bug/feature? I'm 
>> trying to convert all my project references to relative so that I can 
>> move the project between different users on my machine.
> I wasn't aware of this, but it seems to be a bug.
> The problem seems to be, that if you have once made the path absolute, 
> it's sticky.
> Normally, non-absolute is the default.

I was using the Xcode project import tool from the repository, and it 
imported some of my files with absolute paths.

> I don't know how complex your project is, but probably the easiest to 
> do (while this bug exists) is to just create a new one (and don't 
> touch the check box for the new one ;) ).
> When you create a new project, it is possible simply to drag files and 
> folders from the old project to the new.

I tried that, but my project uses lots of groups which don't drag over. 
Could you add group dragging as a feature request?

> Another option is to edit the .tmproj file. If you open it with the 
> 'tm' tool, it will open as text.

That's what I ended up doing. Thanks for the help!

Best, Erich

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