[TxMt] Re: Bare Bones [was: Public to-do list for TM (was: Textile Bundle?)

Noah M. Daniels ndaniels at mac.com
Tue Mar 22 23:10:02 UTC 2005

Also, BBEdit's side-by-side graphical diff (Find Differences...) is 
really quite nice. The 'Fast Find' feature is also quite nice, and 
something like that (or like Firefox's find-in-place) would be really 
cool to have in TextMate.

On Mar 22, 2005, at 6:03 PM, Russell E. Owen wrote:
> You really should give it a look. TextWrangler (the simpler version of
> BBEdit) is free and is very good.
> Some things BBEdit does right (many other editors have most of this, 
> but
> few have all of it:
> - Can find and replace in multiple files (e.g. all open documents,
> search a directory).
> - Can "find all" and find with regular expressions.
> - Multiple undo (though they were very late to implement it).
> - Robust.
> - Well supported
> - Very polished.

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