[TxMt] subversion plugin: keyboard-only operation possible?

Torsten Becker torsten.becker at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 18:02:52 UTC 2005

On Mon, 7 Mar 20:11 (-0800), Chris Thomas wrote:
> Hmm... I didn't intentionally set the command key to B for the entire
> menu. I wonder if I duplicated the Build With Xcode command when I
> first created the Subversion bundle? Or did someone else make that
> change?

Well, AFAIK you was the one who first bound it to cmd-b, I just reused
this to group the other commands to yours. :)  But maybe it would be a
good idea to remap it to something different, to not group with the
build command.  Whats about ctrl-shift-s?


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