[TxMt] getting prefs to stick

Ryan Schmidt textmate-2005 at ryandesign.com
Sun Mar 6 14:41:47 UTC 2005

On 06.03.2005, at 14:44, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On Mar 6, 2005, at 14:21, Ryan Schmidt wrote:
>> I just want to use my computer like I did in OS 9 and 8 and System 7 
>> and 6, where finding something in one application doesn't 
>> unexpectedly overwrite what I was finding in another completely 
>> unrelated program.
> If you feel strongly about it, you could write an input manager that 
> switched the NSPasteboard implementation with something that didn't 
> broadcast the changes -- although it'd only work for Cocoa 
> applications, which it sounds like you're not using many of ;)

Oh, I'm using plenty of Cocoa apps. Software is easier to replace than 
habits though.

Thanks for the tip on NSPasteboard. That at least gives me another 
search term to use to see if somebody's already made this.

> [1] http://www.linkbackproject.org/

Oh goodness, sounds like OpenDoc all over again! Hopefully this time 
people will use it.

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