[TxMt] LaTeX syntax enhancements.

Brad Miller bonelake at mac.com
Sat Jan 29 18:14:29 UTC 2005

Brilliant!  It almost worked right out of the box, except that  
command-shift-space appears to be bound to who knows what else on my  
system right now.  So I rebound it to ctrl-command-space and it took  
right off.  Thanks!

For my citations I have been using the Bibdesk  
(http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/), and its  OS X service.  Its worth a  
look if you haven't seen it.


On Jan 29, 2005, at 11:16 AM, otheraccount at verizon.net wrote:

>> The feature I would really like to figure out how to do is how to  
>> keep track of labels,  so I could have some kind of autocomplete when  
>> I type \ref{fig:x <some command key> I get a list of matching labels  
>> to choose from.
> I have essentially this set up, along with a more general system that  
> does LaTeX autocomplete stuff... So in the situation you describe,  
> it'll autocomplete the label and display its context in a tooltip  
> (rotating through different possible matches with repeated keypresses)  
> and, if nothing matches, just display a list of labels. There's also a  
> script that does this kind of autocompletion for BibTeX  
> \cite{blah<some command key, and, if you're in neither a \ref nor a  
> \cite, it tries to autocomplete with a LaTeX command. (For the \cite  
> stuff, you need to define a shell variable $TM_BIBFILE that contains  
> the full pathname of the bibliography file you're using.)
> I'm attaching the scripts... Fiddling will likely be required to get  
> these to work on any set-up other than mine... It should essentially  
> work, though, if you just dump everything into your  
> ~/Library/Latex.tmbundle/Macros directory. (Or go into the macro and  
> change the path appropriately.) It's triggered by  
> command-shift-spacebar.
> (I'm not getting anywhere near svn---catastrophe would ensue if I did,  
> and in any case, these really would need to be fiddled with a bit,  
> changing some filepaths and stuff, to fit elegantly into a bundle.)
> Marcin
> <LaTeXcompletion.tgz>__________________________________________________ 
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Brad Miller, PhD
Assistant Professor
Luther College
jabber:  bnmnetp at jabber.org

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