[TxMt] Re: Another suggestion: open with TextMate

Freek Dijkstra freek at macfreek.nl
Tue Dec 13 08:13:55 UTC 2005

Thanks, Allan!

Based on your excellent feedback, I was able to determine the problem.

> When a file is w/o extension TextMate (heuristically) scans to see if 
> it's text, and if so, opens the file. So README and INSTALLATION should 
> give you no problems.

The problem was a 0x0C character (signifying a page break).

> I'll try to make it more liberal wrt allowing control characters in text.


>> [...] "file" give the same result for both files:
>> "Bourne shell script text executable".
> That's not based on the file extension.

A bit off-topic. I'm aware of that. In fact, I would not recommend using 
the output of "file" for a decision, since it is based on the "magic" 
file, and I have found that this magic file can differ considerably 
between installations.


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