[TxMt] Symbol preferences definition pattern for SuperCollider Language

Iannis Zannos iani at otenet.gr
Wed Dec 7 20:12:54 UTC 2005

Hello TextMate's ,

I am trying to create a pattern for showing symbols in the popup tab 
and the window,
for the SuperCollider programming language 
I copied the Ruby preferences bundle and put it in the preferences for 
language SuperCollider which
I modified from C. I cannot get any further by trying to modify the 
Ruby pattern in the
SuperCollider preferences. I suspect this has to do with the Scope 
Selector setting.
Can someone explain how to proceed to make this work?

The patterns I want to have in my symbol list are those matching:

1. Class definition:
(capitalized word at beginning of line, including optional digits and 
_, followed by { ):
AnyCapitalizedWord_123 {
AnyCapitalizedWord_123 : NameOfSuperClass {

2. Class method definition:
(linefeed, then tab, followed by asterisk * followed by small letter 
word with optional digits and _
    followed by space then { ) Example:
	*smallLetterWord_123 { (anything else here)

2. Instance method definition: (as above without asterisk) Example:
	smallLetterWord_123 { (anything else here)

It is a mystery to me why some languages that do not have the 
and SymbolTransformation keys set in their preferences still show 
symbols in their lists.


Iannis Zannos

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