[TxMt] multi-row tabs

Domenico Carbotta domenico.carbotta at fastwebnet.it
Tue Dec 6 21:22:27 UTC 2005

> Fow what it's worth (not much, likely), I'm a definite -1 on multi-row
> tabs. The typical MS-style implementation is a UI horror show, as
> someone alluded to earlier.

-2 counting me…

> (And as long as I've suggested that I'll slip in the suggestion that
> the drawer items could visually indicate saved/unsaved file state, too
> -- that's done in many other apps and is quite handy.)

that's already done if you're doing a "Find in Project…" — the icons  
are gray instead of white… I second your idea, paul.
*and* I'd like to be able to tell somehow if there are modified files  
in a folder.

*and* I'd like filetype icons in the drawer too… :)



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