[TxMt] Improving SymbolPopup for LaTeX?

Charilaos Skiadas cskiadas at uchicago.edu
Sat Dec 3 00:00:55 UTC 2005

Ok, managed to get it to work, almost.
1) First of all, you need to create a new preferences item. WHY? I'd  
really like to know that.
2) Second, any changes you make only take effect after you closed the  
bundle editor. Again, WHY? That's not the case for commands and  
snippets and stuff.
3) This is the code I used now, just paste it into a "Symbol List  
copy" or whatnot, with scope "text.latex meta.scope" :

/* preferences */
{    showInSymbolList = 1;
     symbolTransformation = 's/^(\s*)\\section\{(.+)\}/$1 $2/; s/^ 
(\s*)\\subsection\{(.+)\}/$1\t $2/'; s/^(\s*)\\subsubsection\{(.+)\}/ 
$1 \t \t $2/';}

two questions on that:
a) Why don't the spaces that $1 catches being shown? They are in the  
python thing.
b) the \subsubsection rule gives me: \subsubsection{stuff} instead of  
just "stuff".

Other than that, it works well. The tabs inserted by \t get  
interpreted, even though spaces seem not to.


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