[TxMt] TM & Latex

Eric Hsu erichsu at math.sfsu.edu
Wed Apr 13 16:15:29 UTC 2005

Wow this LaTeX line jumping is COOL.

Brad Miller wrote:
>If you go to the prefs in Texniscope you can 
>modify the editor settings to have TextMate work 
>very nicely with Texniscope.
>Editor command
>Editor arguments
>If you use the pdfsync package in your document 
>you can just command click anywhere in the pdf 
>file and you will go immediately to that spot in 
>your source file in TextMate.

Note that I had to change the last 'line' to '%line' to get it to work right.

Thomas Schröder wrote:
>What's also nice is that you can go from one 
>spot in your source in TextMate to the same spot 
>in the PDF output in TeXniscope with this if you 
>use pdfsync...

That is pretty cool too!  My lord, this could make me start using LaTeX again!

Between this and a cool new $19.4M money 
laundering deal I've got going down, it's been a 
great day.

- Eric
Eric Hsu, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
San Francisco State University
erichsu at math.sfsu.edu

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