Fwd: [TxMt] HTML bundle & HTML usage ( Was: Input Patterns?)

Tim Martens timfm at hawaii.rr.com
Wed Apr 6 02:11:30 UTC 2005

On Apr 5, 2005, at 9:16 AM, kumar mcmillan wrote:

> find typing <h1> A HEADER and then hitting opt+cmd+"."  to close the 
> tag much easier than inserting a snippet called "<h1>" .

or you could just type "h1" and hit Ctrl + Space to get <h1>|</h1>. 
Thank you Justin.

> I would suggest focusing on bigger time-savers ... like the 
> Colorpicker command.  that thing is awesome!!  Anyway, I don't want to 
> dampen your progress but I think you are asking for help in an area 
> where other users may not share your vision.

I disagree, and hope others do as well. I think there a huge need for 
better web development workflow support in TM.


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