[TxMt] Feature request (clipboard)

Sune Foldager cryo at cyanite.org
Mon Apr 4 11:18:01 UTC 2005

On 04-04-2005, at 11:33, Thijs Stalenhoef wrote:

> Hi All,
> My apologies if this request has been posted before.
> I was wondering if it would be possible to have the multiple clipboards
> displayed as a "virtual" text document in the editor, so you can use 
> the
> editor's full power on it. The clips could be separated by some
> character-sequence. If the scripting/macro stuff can access this 
> document too,
> it could be quite powerful (add stuff, remove stuff, change stuff).

No I'm pretty sure this is an original suggestion :-p..  Interesting 
idea, however there are some practical problems such as what if you 
copy/paste any of those character-sequences and what if you copy paste 
in the virtual clipboard itself etc. Also, I am not sure how it will 
work in connection with the real clipboard, but I really don't know 
much about that.


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