[TxMt] RegEx Tool

Sune Foldager cryo at cyanite.org
Sun Apr 3 11:43:57 UTC 2005

On 03-04-2005, at 05:22, Eric Hsu wrote:

> At 6:37 PM -0500 4/2/05, John Lianogou wrote:
>> Though I could see some sort of RE Unit Testing solution to be 
>> potentially useful... something to keep a collection of test strings 
>> to be used against an expression. Find something along the way that 
>> breaks it, but shouldn't: add it to the regexp's test list!
> I would personally prefer a little feature in TM to 'test' a regexp in 
> a particular document. You'd write it and then (either in real-time or 
> not) it would colorize the different pieces that it found on the 
> screen.

Yes, I agree. This can be quite useful. My old mud client on windows 
used to both be able to propose a "prototype" pattern for the regex you 
gave it, plus state what captures it made etc.


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