[TextMate] multiple folding structures for latex

profprof at mac.com profprof at mac.com
Sun Oct 24 21:31:22 UTC 2004

I am trying to improve the syntaxe for the Latex bundle. However, I am not familiar with plist. 

In addition to structures of the type 



I would like to add a folding of the \section, \chapter, \subsection structure. 

For this, I thought of adding in a snipped a line at the end of these structures which would be considered as a comment by Latex:

\section{This is a section}

%\end-section{This is a section}

\section{A new section}

I have tried to modified the current Latex.plist to :


However, this does not work very well as if there is any substructure in a \section of the type (\end{equation}, for example), the folding occurs from \section to \end{equation}.

Anybody could tell me how to correct that??

I thank you in advance!

    Normand Mousseau

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