[TextMate] and some more on making selections

C J Silverio ceej at spies.com
Mon Oct 18 03:56:12 UTC 2004

A few more suggestions on minor issues:

- Chunk up undo actions. E.g., undo shouldn't undo a bunch of typing
   by single letters, but instead by the whole typing episode.

- When I'm selecting big ranges of text, and I've moved the mouse to
   or beyond the top or bottom of the page, scroll to reveal more text
   and extend the selection.

- Selecting lines is funky with lines that consist of only a newline.
   For instance, triple-click to select a line that's part of a block,
   then sweep the cursor down. The selection will "stick" above the first
   blank line, then snap down to grab that and the first non-empty line 
   you sweep downward. What if I want to grab a block with its trailing
   whitespace and move the whole thing? I can't.

- Tiny bug: To reproduce this, cut or delete some selected text, then
   undo the cut. The restored text is selected, good. Now move the cursor
   with an arrow key: doesn't move as expected! It seems to be offsetting
   from the middle of the selection, instead of from the bounds. This 
   if you make a selection and copy it, as well.


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