[TextMate] Editing macros

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Thu Oct 14 15:07:13 UTC 2004

On 14. Oct 2004, at 15:49, Luc Heinrich wrote:

> Not to mention fixing potentially inefficient macros, have a look at 
> the "Insert ISO Date" one, in the Defaults bundle. Yuck !!

If you're doing that, I'd say you have too much free time! ;)

> In my opinion, macros should be implemented through AppleScript 
> recording/playing anyway, instead of this ObjectiveC selectors list 
> hack. Don't you think ? :)

So why is this a hack? actually, internally many of the things are 
_not_ ObjectiveC methods, I just expose my functionality as named 
selectors, so that it also works with key bindings etc.  Why not re-use 
that functionality?

But down the road there will of course be AS support, and it'll be 
recordable. But Rome wasn't build in one day, and I think it's much 
better to have recordable macros in first version, than non-recordable 

Wasn't the reason for "text factories" in BBEdit 8 actually that AS 
simply was too complex for most users? ;)

Kind regards Allan

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