[TextMate] Editing macros (was: TextMate v1.0 Feedback)

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Mon Oct 11 09:54:41 UTC 2004

On 11. Oct 2004, at 11:46, José Campos wrote:

>     What is better than a rainy week-end to try a new software? So (and
> this will be my last question until version 1.01 is released)

You do know that we run a mailing list? ;)

> where are "scratch macros" stored? Can they be edited and modified? If 
> yes, what
> language is used to do it?

Currently only in memory -- I may keep it in the preferences, so that 
it'll remember the last scratch macro from last session.

However, the format they are stored in is custom -- I figured it would 
often be easier simply to re-record the macro again, than to use an 
editor to change an existing.

When you save a macro it ends up in:

You /can/ edit this file, and I know some do. But it's officially not 
supported, and the format (despite being a normal property list) is 
undocumented ;)

Kind regards Allan

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