[TextMate] [Tip] Embed selection in tag, lookup PHP functions

Brian Lalor blalor at bravo5.org
Fri Oct 8 23:00:33 UTC 2004

On Oct 7, 2004, at 10:48 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> Another neat trick I saw on a blog (but unfortunately lost the 
> reference) was a command configured to do:
>    open http://php.net/$TM_CURRENT_WORD

Ah, it's amazing what you can do when you have a completely flat 
namespace, eh?  No hierarchy of commands to muck up your search engine. 

(I did PHP for a number of years, but I'm all better now.)

    __   ____
   / /  / __/ Brian Lalor
  / _ \/__ \  blalor at bravo5.org
/_.__/____/  http://bravo5.org/

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