[TextMate] Working with multiple screens

Jarkko Laine jarkko at jlaine.net
Thu Oct 7 19:57:32 UTC 2004

On 7.10.2004, at 22:42, Scott Barron wrote:
> Hmm, I use dual head on my ibook and if I pull the monitor plug out
> textmate does come back to the LCD screen though it's size is a little
> wonky.  It looks like it does try to resize but that perhaps it's not
> taking the size of the drawer into account.  It's not positioned
> perfectly zoomed, as it was on the monitor screen (which is of a higher
> resolution than the LCD).  That's my experience anyway.


Are you talking about mirroring the screen or extending it to the 
bigger screen? As far as I remember iBook was only able to mirror the 
screen, not to extend it.


Jarkko Laine

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