[TextMate] Re: HTML, auto-complete and snippets

Justin French justin.french at indent.com.au
Wed Oct 6 15:14:58 UTC 2004

On 07/10/2004, at 12:13 AM, Lucas K. Mathis wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 6.10.2004, space aliens observed timothy martens saying:
>> Any plans for XHTML/CSS code hinting?
> The main feature I use in BBEdit is the excellent CSS support. I can
> easily create new CSS rules and find out what the correct syntax is.
> Having something similar in TextMate would be great.

All the CSS properties (font-size, width, height, etc) are all in there 
as keywords, as are all the units (px, em, etc).  Agreed, most of the 
values (bold, underline, block) are not in there yet, and TM has no 
idea if "left" is a valid value for "float", but I don't think BBEdit 
knows this either...

Since I worked on the CSS definition quite a lot so far, I'd love to 
know more about what you're looking for....


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