[TextMate] defining syntaxes

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Wed Oct 6 13:59:12 UTC 2004

On 6. Oct 2004, at 15:42, Brian Lalor wrote:

> Couple of questions regarding syntaxes:

Great! :)

> I can use a simple regexp to search for <!-- or <%--, but is there a 
> way to be smarter about how the comment ends?  I'd like to make sure 
> an illegal JSP comment gets highlighted as such:

I would do two different rules. One for each type.

> How is the "include" keyword supposed to work in a pattern?  I've 
> tried this:
> 			name = "Embedded Java";
> 			backgroundColor = "#E5E5E5";
> 			begin = "<%";
> 			include = "Java";
> 			end = "%>";

"include" can only be used within "patterns". So you'd do:

			name = "Embedded Java";
			backgroundColor = "#E5E5E5";
			begin = "<%";
			patterns = ( include = "Java"; );
			end = "%>";

Kind regards Allan

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