[TxMt] [Req] New File | Open File in Dock Menu

Kaweh Kazemi kaweh at knuddl.org
Mon Nov 22 01:42:38 UTC 2004

On 22.11.2004, at 02:22, Allan Odgaard wrote:

> On Nov 21, 2004, at 23:36, Chris Messina wrote:
>> I always like SubEthaEdit's New File | Open File command in when 
>> option-clicking on the dock icon. Is this something that TM could 
>> incorporate?
> Sounds like a nice idea, and I guess I can just check the "current 
> modifier" when I get a re-activate event.
> But by default option-clicking the dock icon hides the current 
> application (which I can't suppress, and probably shouldn't)!?!

doesn't chris mean the ctrl-click (second mouse button) application's 
dock menu? this includes a "New File" and "Open File..." in SEE. 
alt-click (= option-click) behaves the same for all applications in the 
dock. it either hides the application or re-activates it and hides all 
other applications.

or i'm missing something.


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