[TxMt] Help with LaTeX-build command

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Thu Dec 30 17:41:35 UTC 2004

On Dec 30, 2004, at 12:14, Ivar Åsell wrote:

> [...] The main point here is that I which to see the pdf without 
> having to save my .tex-file.
> Would someone help me with this?

You can do this as a command. TeX can't write to stdout nor can Preview 
load from stdin, but you can do this command(s):

    rm /tmp/texput.pdf
    pdflatex -output-directory /tmp
    [ -f /tmp/texput.pdf ] && open -a Preview.app /tmp/texput.pdf

Standard in: Entire document
Standard out: Discard

This should show your document as tex/pdf w/o requiring it to be asved. 
You may also want to use the '-file-line-error' option and use the 
separate window to parse the errors so that you can jump directly to 
the erroneous line -- I haven't experimented with it myself yet, since 
it has been a while since I last wrote a longer report in LaTeX ;)

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