[TxMt] Bug Tracking System

Ryan Schmidt textmate-2004 at ryandesign.com
Wed Dec 29 22:11:51 UTC 2004

On 29.12.2004, at 20:32, David Tolpin wrote:

> have you considered installing a web-based bug-tracking system 
> (bugzilla/RT/gnats/???) so users can submit bug reports and requests 
> for enhancements? It is much easier to track changes this way.

If you do, please not Bugzilla; it's a nightmare for normal users. 
We're using Mantis [1] in our company and find it to be not horrible, 
which, of open source software, I consider a compliment. Never heard of 
RT or gnats so I can't offer an opinion on those.

[1] http://www.mantisbt.org/

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