[TxMt] new command: Universal Un/Comment (BBEdit-ish)

Chris Thomas chris at m-audio.com
Tue Dec 21 19:02:20 UTC 2004

On Dec 21, 2004, at 7:46 AM, Eric Hsu wrote:

> This version is actually better than BBEdit's, in my opinion, because
> 1. it can uncomment many different comment formats for silly languages 
> like PHP that support several; and
> 2. it places comment delimiters at the original level of indent (and 
> not the first column like BB does); and
> 3. we can all customize it.
Here's what I use (requires Ruby 1.8). (I typically want to preserve 
the existing inline comments, so I don't personally find those first 
two properties desirable.)

file_extension = File.extname(ARGV[0])
file_extension = file_extension[1..file_extension.size]

# default to shell-style comments
comment_strings = ['#','']

StringMap = {
  'java','js','htc','c++','h++'] => ['//',''], # C family and some 
variants of Pascal
  ['f','f77'] => ['C ',''], # Fortran
  ['inf','f90'] => ['!',''], # Inform, modern Fortran
  'dml'] => ['--',''], # AppleScript, Ada, SQL
  ['html','xml','plist','php'] => ['<!--','-->'], # XML, HTML
  ['mli','ml', 'mll','mly'] => ['(*','*)'], # OCaml uses Pascal comments
  ['bib','ltx','tex','ps','eps'] => ['%',''] # Latex etc

key = StringMap.keys.detect {|k| k.include?(file_extension)}

(comment_strings = StringMap[key]) if not key.nil?

comment_expr = /^\s*#{comment_strings[0]}(.*)#{comment_strings[1]}/

choose_mode = true
uncomment = false

def process_line(instring, uncomment, comment_strings, comment_expr)

  if uncomment then
  # uncomment
  match = comment_expr.match(instring)
  if match != nil then
  puts match[1]
  puts instring
  # comment
  puts comment_strings[0] + instring.chomp + comment_strings[1]

# if the first line is commented, assume the user wants to uncomment
# and vice versa
first_line = $stdin.gets
uncomment = comment_expr.match(first_line)
uncomment = false if uncomment.nil?
process_line(first_line, uncomment, comment_strings, comment_expr)

$stdin.each_line { |instring| process_line(instring, uncomment, 
comment_strings, comment_expr) }

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