[TxMt] Bug report: HTML folding [TextMate 1.0.2b10#553]

Brian Lalor blalor at bravo5.org
Wed Dec 8 21:49:02 UTC 2004

On Dec 8, 2004, at 3:40 PM, Xavier Noria wrote:

> There I try to hide three blocks:
>     1. The "body" CSS element is correctly folded
>     2. The "style" tag is not
>     3. The "head" tag is not

The content of the style tag is not itself indented; TM doesn't handle 
that situation (properly).  If instead you had the following, it would 
work properly:

        body {
		color: "black";

    __   ____
   / /  / __/ Brian Lalor
  / _ \/__ \  blalor at bravo5.org
/_.__/____/  http://bravo5.org/

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