[TxMt] Feature Relocation Request

Allan Odgaard allan at macromates.com
Sat Dec 4 01:04:52 UTC 2004

On Dec 3, 2004, at 14:56, M Spreij wrote:

> Just a wild random thought..
> Wouldn't it be absolutely *neat* if we could put together our own 
> menus,  if needed using XML/plist/something, and the keybinding 
> strings.. Allan?

Well, I would like to add an AppleScript hook to change settings so 
that this could be done simply by commands, and I'd also like an in-app 
key bindings editor.

But fully customizable menus is probably something very few would use 
and a problem for me to maintain when I update the "default" menus 
(currently the same problem as when I update the default key bindings).

But perhaps there could be extra fully customizable menus. A little 
like the (previous) Command menu.

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