[txmt-dev] Re: Split Views Implementation

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Thu Jan 8 08:02:14 UTC 2015

On 2015-01-08 04:45, Steven Clukey wrote:

> Truly I’m not the guy who should be making style decisions. It currently looks fine to me, but if you think it doesn’t look good then I’d say you’re probably right. If you can tell me what you want to see then I can try to make it happen.

My initial thought is that the styling of the borders should look the 
same regardless if the split view is enabled or not. So I guess:

* The left border of the gutter should have the same the color as right 

* The bottom border of the bottom bar should have the same color as the 
top border

* The border of the separator between the "Line" item and the red icon 
in the bottom bar should have the same color as the other separators in 
the bottom bar

/Jacob Carlborg

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