[txmt-dev] Re: Setting the background color of a specific line

Robert J. Rockefeller bob at bobrockefeller.com
Tue Apr 1 12:15:16 UTC 2014

Would this not be better done in the theme?

Robert J. Rockefeller
bob at bobrockefeller.com

On Tue, Apr 1, 2014, at 03:17 AM, Jacob Carlborg wrote:

I'm playing around with the TextMate source code and I'm trying to set

the background color for a specific line. As I understand the source

code there's a class, OakTextView, that is the main class for the text

view. This view contains a instance of layout_t, which contains a tree

of paragraph_t, which contains a vector of node_t, each node_t contains

a line_t. line_t have a method to render the background.

I'm having trouble to get out the line_t which matches a given line

number. How can I do that?


/Jacob Carlborg


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