[txmt-dev] Extending LaTeX Bundle with custom google web scrape

Joshua Dunham joshua.dunham at gmail.com
Thu Apr 25 20:46:30 UTC 2013

Hi Everyone,

      I'm trying to add a bit of functionality to the LaTeX bundle by
making a glossary builder that scrapes from google definitions.
Essentially what I would like to do is mimic the behavior of the
'Hyperlink Helper' bundle which allows one to select a word and (for
instance) do a wikipedia search on the word and have it paste a link
into the editor window (only I want some page text). Ideally what I
would like to do is grab the definition (or few defs) from the page
and paste them into the editor wrapped in glossary syntax.

     My first stumbling block is that when I try and execute the
Hyperlink Helper for any word / macro it returns a "(this language is
not supported, see … for more info)" error message. I've tried using
some fancy shell scripting with the 'dict' app (queries dictionaries)
but the output is not 100% standardized. Google is a much better
resource but a bit more difficult to code for. Could anyone provide
insight how to make such an extension to the bundle?


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